छपाई की मशीन - chapai ki mashin

English MeaningCategoryWordHindi Translit
pressnoun f.छपाई की मशीनchapai ki mashin
machinenoun f.छपाई की मशीनchapai ki mashin

  • Chapai Ki Mashin - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of 'chapai ki mashin' in English?
    • Translate छपाई की मशीन in English language.
    • What does छपाई की मशीन stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
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  • Chapai Ki Mashin Meaning in English

    There are total 2 english words have been listed for the hindi word 'छपाई की मशीन'. Its first meaning is 'press' and second definition is 'machine'. Bookmark this website for future visits.